Jonas Club Software
Yellow Dog + Jonas for Enhanced Inventory Management
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Supported Integrations:
3 Minute Overview - 15 Minute Overview
Yellow Dog Inventory is a full featured F&B inventory management system built to handle a wide range of operations. Our system complements the Jonas system by offering all recipe management, physical inventory, and food costing analysis an F&B operation may require.
Some of the key features of our inventory system include:
Pull Sales automatically
Easy COGS Reporting Matching Revenue to Usage
Recipes, Batch Recipes, and Production Recipes Supported
Commissary Workflows of Requests to Production to Transfers
Physical Inventory Process with Mobile Counting Apps, Sheet to Shelf Item Order, and Handheld Devices
Over 4,000 Vendor Invoice EDI Integrations Supported
Invoice Export to QuickBooks and dozens of other leading accounting systems
Detailed Waste Tracking
Optional Detailed Actual vs Theoretical Reporting
Yellow Dog Inventory can electronically receive invoices from vendors as well as have them manually entered. These invoices can be summarized by the proper general ledger codes and converted into the specific file format for import to Jonas Club Software
Some of the key features of our invoice export include:
Summarize the invoice to the specific general ledge codes for Jonas.
Automatically processed and placed in a directory or FTP site
Our implementation approach to this is located here.
Why Do I Need Yellow Dog Inventory?
Jonas Club Software already has some built in retail inventory capabilities. Why would I need Yellow Dog Inventory?
Good question. We have found that certain inventory needs are beyond the core capabilities of Jonas Club Software. To help you determine if you are a candidate for Yellow Dog Inventory, click here.
Jonas Club Software Sales Reps:
Click here to submit a referral to Yellow Dog.